Stop the Slaughter (Part 2)

By: ThisAmericanCarnage

… innocent people? A hand gun! The answer is not to be found in making laws to take more guns away from the good guys for fear the bad guys could get them. When a cravenly piece of coprolite like this kills children with a legal gun, it only shows that murderers can commit murder, even when there are laws in place to prevent it. And when this same swine-worth, sod kills kids with an illegal gun, it only shows that murderers can commit murder, even when there are laws in place to prevent it. Evil will always find a way, which means good, must always find a way too. A Want of Peace If only the problem was solved as easily as eliminating or limiting firearms like they did in Denmark and Britain, like Australia and Canada, like California, Chicago, and New York. To one degree or another, all the cities, and states outlawed or limited gun ownership rates, and not only are there now fewer freedoms, than ever in those places, but crime is off the charts, and even in most cases, illegal guns are more rampantly available than ever before. And contrariwise, consider the country of Switzerland, which is not quite 16,000 mi.² in size and supports a population, slightly smaller than 8 million souls of which every able-bodied adult is obligated to serve two years in the military, to train at various times, all their lives, and to own, keep, and be ready to use a standard, issue assault rifle and government given ammunition when called upon to defend their “life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness”. And Switzerland is a landlocked nation surrounded by France to the west, Italy, to the south, Austria, to the east, and Germany to the north. The Swiss have never been invaded. They stayed neutral in two world wars, they have nearly no crime, and there has never been a school shooting in Switzerland. If guns were the problem wouldn’t the Swiss be living in a bloodbath on a daily basis? Perhaps things are not so simple as we’ve been led to believe. To begin finding the actual problem and pinpointing it, I think we need to look back in time to our own country. When our parents went to school, no one ever heard of an “active shooter.” The idea of some evil kid coming into the classroom to kill them at all was unthinkable, with a gun or otherwise, but what about the fire arms in those days? Were they less plentiful than they are now? Were they more restricted than today? Were they more technologically limited in magazine, capacity or rate of fire? The answer is a resounding, no! To one and all questions asked – no! It was easier to acquire guns 50 years ago. Those guns were fully automatic weapons back then, not yet put under national band-and yet there were no mass murders in the classrooms! In those days, our parents could bring their first 22 into sixth grade show and tell, with no one wondering if they would shoot up the classroom. High schools had rifle teams in those days just like football or swim teams which still remain. Nobody thought it was odd when the boys carried their rifles through the halls and stored them unguarded in their lockers till after school when they went hunting… sometimes with their teachers. So if we are truly trying to solve the problem instead of attempting to make political statements, then we have to look at the heart and soul of the nation not the availability of weapons. Fifty years ago, guns were everywhere, many were fully automatic, assault rifle machine guns, nearly without restrictions, and yet nobody died from gun violence like what we’ve seen in our time, when guns are restricted, licensed, or forbidden in many forms, and magazine capacity as well as rate of fire are limited. What gives? On this line of thought alone, we can see there is no chance the problem is the presence of guns. Clearly, the problem is the lack of morality. But what can be done about that? Answer: nothing! So then, when we can’t legislate morality what can we do to stop the slaughter of innocents? We can stop, pretending we live in the safety of a moral society which has not existed for over half a century. If we want to stop the slaughter, but we cannot resolve the root cause of moral rot in America, then we must ask ourselves what we can do instead and do that! What do we want besides a moral center? Peace in our schools! If peace is all we want, well then, we have made the issue simple again. As the great Roman general Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus taught us long before, “Si Vis Pachem Para Bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war.” A Mighty Moral Center I can see all the snowflakes melting down. hearing these words. The hue and cry would go up at such audacity, no doubt. All the outrage from all sides that would assault us for suggesting such a statement, as if it wasn’t the most obvious answer in the world. They’d call us dangerous. They’d say we are over-reacting. And they’d sound the alarm against us that we are going to get someone killed with such talk. Well, they’d be right. We would advise making every school, the most dangerous places in the nation… The most dangerous places to try to kill innocent people! We are over reacting. It’s not funny, just how over it we are. I think it’s overdue. We started responding instead, so that when a monster comes calling, he is the one that gets killed, and not the children. “You can’t turn our schools into war zones,” the softy socialists will say. “Our kids are not soldiers,“ I can hear them decrying this idea, but nobody is saying they are. Students and teachers should not have to be soldiers and tacticians, but they have to be as ready for the enemy as the army would be. And why? Because they may not be going to battle, but the bastards are bringing it to them. And if war is hell, then what name do we use to apply to a massacre of kids?! It’s easier to blame the guns, and feel better for a bit, but the façade will be erased as soon as the next attack takes place, and then it would be too late.